Individualized Instruction

With our small teacher to student ratio, we are able to engage learners and deliver more successful learning outcomes. Students are grouped based on ability (not just by grade level) to ensure we are meeting them where they are and providing them with a solid foundation so that they can thrive.

Adaptive Curriculum

Although we cover a set group of subjects, our curriculum is always being adapted. We take into consideration the individual learning needs and abilities of each student and adjust our curriculum to include different instructional strategies and materials that cater to the specific

strengths and weakness of our learners.

Presumed Competence

We believe all students are capable of learning and understanding.


We offer flexible schedule programs to allow families the autonomy to find a balance that works for them.

Sensory Integration

Our lessons utilize multisensory instruction. Multisensory instruction is a way of teaching that engages more than one sense at a time. Research has shown that when multiple senses are used, students can better retain the information. Additionally, students are given an ample amount of time in our custom sensory gym. Regular physical activity in children has shown to have positive effects on executive functioning skills, including attention, memory and cognitive flexibility.

Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

We provide engaging instruction for our learners and use instructors as facilitators rather than the gatekeepers of information and curriculum. SEL is vital to positive learning experiences and personal growth. By implementing SEL, students are set up with skills they can use to navigate social experiences, manage their emotions, cope with stress, find or give support when needed, and act with integrity.

Health and Nutrition

We realize the importance of healthy eating and how crucial it is in a child's development, especially their cognitive development. Taught by a Registered Dietitian, our students engage in lessons which focus on improving nutrition and establishing healthy eating habits.